I find Dante's Inferno something fun to play with. I don't believe in it but it is a pattern of levels, a pattern of sins, and my brain likes patterns. Like I said I don't believe in it but its fun to mess with to see where I would end up. It's ranked in an order that seems like from least I want to distructive to most distructive. And I mean the sins and their effect on others and yourself.
Oh boy, I just took the Dante's Inferno Test. According to Dante, I would fit in very well in multiple levels of Hell! I would fit in best in the 3rd circle of Hell: The Glutton level. However, I would also do just fine in the levels 5-9. I didn't think I was that terrible!
Caitie makes a good point. It is a lot of fun to play wtih Dante's theory. Although, if I believed in it, I'd be terrified.
I would like to use Caitlin's quote to start out. "Oh, boy." I browsed all of the link, though I couldn't get the video game to work. Thinking about it now, I find it quite humorous that there is a video game (which I assume will be violent as all the levels of hell are) and one of the questions of the test refers to violent games and I'm assuming if you play them, it's a strike against you. My result of the test was level 7. This is the violent level of hell. I don't really consider myself to be a violent person, but I think I may fit into the violence against self part of that level. If you look at the comparison chart below your results, it says that level seven is the most extreme level of hell. I'm not really sure how I should react to that. There's a part in my brain that says "wow, maybe I need to change my lifestyle a little..." but then I thought about another question that asked about self-hatred and I answered that I did not hate myself. I am happy to be living the life I live and although not everyone respects my choices (Dante, especially wouldn't, I assume), I respect myself and really, that's what matters, at least that's what matters to me. I am going to third the decision that it is fun to play with Dante's ideas, even though they are quite terrible. That's another thing...the extreme level of his theory make it seem like a joke, and I don't think you'd be able to get a whole lot of people to follow it.
his was a lot of fun do learn about and I can't wait to get deeper into it. I took the quiz and was.... LEVEL 8 Which I didn't expect at all.I believe I have none of the qualities that are represented in that circle. Theres a part in my mind as well like Ashely said that makes me think I should change my lifestyle, but I'm really not a bad person. What Dante thought was very extreme, and no one in their right mind would want to follow it, because than your life would be kind of dull. A lot of people don't even want to think of the afterlife this way and would keep it out of their minds. But I'm so curious as to wonder how Dante came up with these ideas. It's boggles my mind to think that anyone could truly believe in them. I don't understand how one person would be able to come up with these thoughts. His imagination must have been insanely out of control.
Also I couldn't get the game to work either ( which is ok because I was a little nervous to play it.)
I'm going to have to agree with Caitie and everyone else about the first link- it was pretty fascinating. I enjoyed learning about something so bizarre as the Nine Circles of Hell. Although I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Im a curious person and it was something I was ignorant of. I also took the inferno test and found out I would be placed in Purgatory. Honestly, I was surprised. I was expecting much worse. I found the links to the movie trailor, video game, and "Dante Today" were pretty enlightening. Being able to see the lasting effects of Dante's Inferno shows how influential something so horrific and ludicrous can be on society.
Hahaha, okay... So, why am I laughing? Well... that is because I just got done watching the trailer for Dante's Inferno, the video game by EA Games, and the last thing it says after it shows you the game play is "Dante's Inferno... Go to Hell"... I found that very amusing... But I must say the game looks good, and may give a good perspective of what the Inferno may be like. If I had the money for a system to play it on, I would definitely get it, however it's sad to say I don't. So anyone who gets it has to let the class know, I think it would be awesome to see it played.
Anyway, I took the test too and found myself to be in Pergatory, which, I guess I would believe, but I do feel rather much like a "goody goody". Compared to the other people that have previously commented on this topic.
Here's another trailer for the movie I found on YouTube. It mentions Beatris, I guess the game/story is about saving her? Who knows. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdBE8UIz1BA
First off, this is a total and complete side bar... So I finally got the trailer for the video game to work and watched Allen's clip. I would just like to re-enforce the fact that if anyone has or gets this game, we need to have an inferno party...
*i would just like to say that technology is not user friendly!
This whole Dante's world thing was a bit unexpected. I knew what i was walking into...for the most part, but still i wasn't expecting it to be quite this bad. The whole thing was just a bit more twisted and odd, than i had originally expected. The video trailer was quite odd. I wasn't sure why it was all little puppets drawn and colored and put on sticks, but i guess thats just creativity kicking in.
I know that Dante's is a bit twisted and tends to follow to the beat of a different drummer, but the man has some rather fascinating ideas. I mean fully planning out the 9 levels of hell, including punishments for all eternity, that's pretty impressive. Talk about a man committed to his work. What i really want to know though is why he felt compelled to do this. Was he trying to leave his mark on society? Trying to really understand what happens after you die? Or was he just trying to help others out because he felt like his soul was already damned to eternity? I just want to know more really about why he wrote all of this. because the stuff itself is pretty entertaining to say the least.
According to the lovely quiz i belong in the second level of hell. The realm where the lustful spend eternity. So i'm not sent off to purgatory with the rest of the class, minus a few. It told me that while i spend all eternity with an "unquenchable desire" i do however, get to spend eternity with Helen of Troy and Cleopatra, so that can't be all bad right? Even though i don't particularly think of myself as a lustful person i do apparently have that side in my subconscious. which is kind of interesting.
This is by far the coolest assignment so far in Advance Lit. Survey. I just got done taking the quiz and it says, like Caitlin stated, would be good in a couple of places in hell. Mostly I score very high for level 6, heretic. I could see why that would be. I am not a religious person, I believe more in morals, as long as someone lives a good life, and is a good person, then they should end up where they need to, whatever the afterlife may be. To answer Cameron’s question about why the worst place is the coldest is to have the person suffer for the rest of eternity, feel no warmth what so ever.
I really liked this assignment as well, i took the quiz and was Purgatory, and like allen, i do feel like i kinda wish i would have gotten to see where i would have landed within the 9 layers.
The video game preview, honestly just creeped me out. I think that Dante was demented in every way shape and form, the guy was confused.
Cameron's question also had me thinking as well. I dont know if i would agree with Julie on having no warmth just because the of the saying "burning in the pits of hell." Does Dante contradict that statement?
This whole other side throws me out of wack. I dont agree with much of what Dante says.
I took the quiz, but had to rush off to band. If i remember it right I scored in one three and eight. The last surprised me a bit but hey, why would the internet lie to me? Props to Cameron on mentioning the myth stealing going on here, that really annoyed me. Was he stealing them from a lack of creativity, or on the pretext of saying that prior cultures were right on the monsters but wrong on the god(s)? I'd also bring up the question, Why Inferno? He has two other works in the Divine Comedy a whole lot less doom and gloomy that might be just as good. And last but not least, does anybody know how the Papacy reacted to Dante's publications? Something that religious, that famous, and that early in history must have attracted their attention at some point or another.
Okay, this isn't making any sense to me at all? How can you be split into three different layers of hell? People are putting on here that your getting multiple layers. It's kind of reminding me of Harry Potter 5. Where they talk about how Voldemort Split his soul into 7 pieces, and that its harsh enough to do it 1 time. Is this kind of the same deal? Where your soul get's split into the different layers? Because that would be terrible.
Well, unfortuantely, almost none of the links worked for me. But, judging from what we've learned today, and all the comments you guys have posted, I'm really looking forward to delving into the crazy world of Dante's Inferno. Really interesting stuff, I can hardly wait.
Ok first, the same thing that happened to Ashley the other day just happened to me, my whole thing just got erased.
And second, I agree with Mary about technology not being user-friendly. I tried going to the first link and it said I needed to install the newest flash player. So I did that, and it still won't work. Oh well...
So first I took the test, and landed myself in level two; "the realm where the lustful spend eternity." I thought this was wierd because everyone else was getting like level seven and eight. Next I watched the movie trailer and thought that was..odd. And disturbing. It's sad when a video game looks better than the movie. This is probably because of all the violence in the game's preview. Which is why I'm surprised I'm only in level two. If violence makes everything better, surely I would be in a deeper layer of Hell.
Ok so I just got done taking the Inferno quiz...I was said to be at level! Wow I didnt think I was that bad. Level 7 is in the violence section of the Hell. I Never thought of myself to be a violent person. I think learning about the 9 layers of hell is very intersting, and I found some of the questions on the Inferno quiz to be personal and humorus. However, I really didnot think I would be on that high of a level to hell.
I watched the Inferno video with pupets, and it was shocking. So many of the things in the video can be related to everday society. It was like the layers of hell were built in to resemble certain things in our world.
Also in one of the clips, the video showed Dante falling down through a black and white spiral like thing. That reminded me of the red and white swirls in the music video of Seven Nation Army. Is there a link there?
I just got off work, and am extremely tired, but will do my best to remain coherent, if at all possible. As of yet, I have only looked at the movie trailer, and taken the test. I was proclaimed a heretic, which is where I assumed I would be. I appreciate whoever slapped Dante's wrists previously about his lack of creativity regarding certain aspects of his hell. I admire his ability not to create something such as this "inferno" (due to the fact that put in a foul mood with nothing to do, I could create something as completely random), but his ability to believe in such a ridiculous system. It really highlights when this was written, when you actually examine the work as a whole.
I am a little late in posting on this blog, but I have to say that I was completly drawn into Dante's Inferno just by reading your comments. I have been reading the Cantos on my own and have been a little confused, but things are starting to clear up. I took the test and made it to Pergatory. However, a test on the internet isn't very reliable. How are the levels of hell decided in actuality, given that they exist? Are there clear lines drawn or is each case individually looked at, seeing as most cases aren't just "black and white"? This topic is very interesting. i can't wait to get to class and hear some more views.
I find Dante's Inferno something fun to play with. I don't believe in it but it is a pattern of levels, a pattern of sins, and my brain likes patterns. Like I said I don't believe in it but its fun to mess with to see where I would end up. It's ranked in an order that seems like from least I want to distructive to most distructive. And I mean the sins and their effect on others and yourself.
ReplyDeleteOh boy, I just took the Dante's Inferno Test. According to Dante, I would fit in very well in multiple levels of Hell! I would fit in best in the 3rd circle of Hell: The Glutton level. However, I would also do just fine in the levels 5-9. I didn't think I was that terrible!
ReplyDeleteCaitie makes a good point. It is a lot of fun to play wtih Dante's theory. Although, if I believed in it, I'd be terrified.
I would like to use Caitlin's quote to start out.
ReplyDelete"Oh, boy."
I browsed all of the link, though I couldn't get the video game to work. Thinking about it now, I find it quite humorous that there is a video game (which I assume will be violent as all the levels of hell are) and one of the questions of the test refers to violent games and I'm assuming if you play them, it's a strike against you. My result of the test was level 7. This is the violent level of hell. I don't really consider myself to be a violent person, but I think I may fit into the violence against self part of that level. If you look at the comparison chart below your results, it says that level seven is the most extreme level of hell. I'm not really sure how I should react to that. There's a part in my brain that says "wow, maybe I need to change my lifestyle a little..." but then I thought about another question that asked about self-hatred and I answered that I did not hate myself. I am happy to be living the life I live and although not everyone respects my choices (Dante, especially wouldn't, I assume), I respect myself and really, that's what matters, at least that's what matters to me. I am going to third the decision that it is fun to play with Dante's ideas, even though they are quite terrible. That's another thing...the extreme level of his theory make it seem like a joke, and I don't think you'd be able to get a whole lot of people to follow it.
his was a lot of fun do learn about and I can't wait to get deeper into it. I took the quiz and was....
ReplyDeleteLEVEL 8
Which I didn't expect at all.I believe I have none of the qualities that are represented in that circle. Theres a part in my mind as well like Ashely said that makes me think I should change my lifestyle, but I'm really not a bad person. What Dante thought was very extreme, and no one in their right mind would want to follow it, because than your life would be kind of dull. A lot of people don't even want to think of the afterlife this way and would keep it out of their minds. But I'm so curious as to wonder how Dante came up with these ideas. It's boggles my mind to think that anyone could truly believe in them. I don't understand how one person would be able to come up with these thoughts. His imagination must have been insanely out of control.
Also I couldn't get the game to work either ( which is ok because I was a little nervous to play it.)
I'm going to have to agree with Caitie and everyone else about the first link- it was pretty fascinating. I enjoyed learning about something so bizarre as the Nine Circles of Hell. Although I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Im a curious person and it was something I was ignorant of. I also took the inferno test and found out I would be placed in Purgatory. Honestly, I was surprised. I was expecting much worse. I found the links to the movie trailor, video game, and "Dante Today" were pretty enlightening. Being able to see the lasting effects of Dante's Inferno shows how influential something so horrific and ludicrous can be on society.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, okay... So, why am I laughing? Well... that is because I just got done watching the trailer for Dante's Inferno, the video game by EA Games, and the last thing it says after it shows you the game play is "Dante's Inferno... Go to Hell"... I found that very amusing... But I must say the game looks good, and may give a good perspective of what the Inferno may be like. If I had the money for a system to play it on, I would definitely get it, however it's sad to say I don't. So anyone who gets it has to let the class know, I think it would be awesome to see it played.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I took the test too and found myself to be in Pergatory, which, I guess I would believe, but I do feel rather much like a "goody goody". Compared to the other people that have previously commented on this topic.
Here's another trailer for the movie I found on YouTube. It mentions Beatris, I guess the game/story is about saving her? Who knows.
First off, this is a total and complete side bar...
ReplyDeleteSo I finally got the trailer for the video game to work and watched Allen's clip. I would just like to re-enforce the fact that if anyone has or gets this game, we need to have an inferno party...
*i would just like to say that technology is not user friendly!
ReplyDeleteThis whole Dante's world thing was a bit unexpected. I knew what i was walking into...for the most part, but still i wasn't expecting it to be quite this bad. The whole thing was just a bit more twisted and odd, than i had originally expected. The video trailer was quite odd. I wasn't sure why it was all little puppets drawn and colored and put on sticks, but i guess thats just creativity kicking in.
I know that Dante's is a bit twisted and tends to follow to the beat of a different drummer, but the man has some rather fascinating ideas. I mean fully planning out the 9 levels of hell, including punishments for all eternity, that's pretty impressive. Talk about a man committed to his work. What i really want to know though is why he felt compelled to do this. Was he trying to leave his mark on society? Trying to really understand what happens after you die? Or was he just trying to help others out because he felt like his soul was already damned to eternity? I just want to know more really about why he wrote all of this. because the stuff itself is pretty entertaining to say the least.
According to the lovely quiz i belong in the second level of hell. The realm where the lustful spend eternity. So i'm not sent off to purgatory with the rest of the class, minus a few. It told me that while i spend all eternity with an "unquenchable desire" i do however, get to spend eternity with Helen of Troy and Cleopatra, so that can't be all bad right? Even though i don't particularly think of myself as a lustful person i do apparently have that side in my subconscious. which is kind of interesting.
This is by far the coolest assignment so far in Advance Lit. Survey. I just got done taking the quiz and it says, like Caitlin stated, would be good in a couple of places in hell. Mostly I score very high for level 6, heretic. I could see why that would be. I am not a religious person, I believe more in morals, as long as someone lives a good life, and is a good person, then they should end up where they need to, whatever the afterlife may be.
ReplyDeleteTo answer Cameron’s question about why the worst place is the coldest is to have the person suffer for the rest of eternity, feel no warmth what so ever.
I really liked this assignment as well, i took the quiz and was Purgatory, and like allen, i do feel like i kinda wish i would have gotten to see where i would have landed within the 9 layers.
ReplyDeleteThe video game preview, honestly just creeped me out. I think that Dante was demented in every way shape and form, the guy was confused.
Cameron's question also had me thinking as well. I dont know if i would agree with Julie on having no warmth just because the of the saying "burning in the pits of hell." Does Dante contradict that statement?
This whole other side throws me out of wack. I dont agree with much of what Dante says.
I took the quiz, but had to rush off to band. If i remember it right I scored in one three and eight. The last surprised me a bit but hey, why would the internet lie to me? Props to Cameron on mentioning the myth stealing going on here, that really annoyed me. Was he stealing them from a lack of creativity, or on the pretext of saying that prior cultures were right on the monsters but wrong on the god(s)?
ReplyDeleteI'd also bring up the question, Why Inferno? He has two other works in the Divine Comedy a whole lot less doom and gloomy that might be just as good. And last but not least, does anybody know how the Papacy reacted to Dante's publications? Something that religious, that famous, and that early in history must have attracted their attention at some point or another.
Okay, this isn't making any sense to me at all? How can you be split into three different layers of hell? People are putting on here that your getting multiple layers. It's kind of reminding me of Harry Potter 5. Where they talk about how Voldemort Split his soul into 7 pieces, and that its harsh enough to do it 1 time. Is this kind of the same deal? Where your soul get's split into the different layers? Because that would be terrible.
ReplyDeleteWell, unfortuantely, almost none of the links worked for me. But, judging from what we've learned today, and all the comments you guys have posted, I'm really looking forward to delving into the crazy world of Dante's Inferno. Really interesting stuff, I can hardly wait.
ReplyDeleteOk first, the same thing that happened to Ashley the other day just happened to me, my whole thing just got erased.
ReplyDeleteAnd second, I agree with Mary about technology not being user-friendly. I tried going to the first link and it said I needed to install the newest flash player. So I did that, and it still won't work.
Oh well...
So first I took the test, and landed myself in level two; "the realm where the lustful spend eternity." I thought this was wierd because everyone else was getting like level seven and eight. Next I watched the movie trailer and thought that was..odd. And disturbing. It's sad when a video game looks better than the movie. This is probably because of all the violence in the game's preview. Which is why I'm surprised I'm only in level two. If violence makes everything better, surely I would be in a deeper layer of Hell.
Ok so I just got done taking the Inferno quiz...I was said to be at level! Wow I didnt think I was that bad. Level 7 is in the violence section of the Hell. I Never thought of myself to be a violent person. I think learning about the 9 layers of hell is very intersting, and I found some of the questions on the Inferno quiz to be personal and humorus. However, I really didnot think I would be on that high of a level to hell.
I watched the Inferno video with pupets, and it was shocking. So many of the things in the video can be related to everday society. It was like the layers of hell were built in to resemble certain things in our world.
ReplyDeleteAlso in one of the clips, the video showed Dante falling down through a black and white spiral like thing. That reminded me of the red and white swirls in the music video of Seven Nation Army. Is there a link there?
I just got off work, and am extremely tired, but will do my best to remain coherent, if at all possible. As of yet, I have only looked at the movie trailer, and taken the test. I was proclaimed a heretic, which is where I assumed I would be. I appreciate whoever slapped Dante's wrists previously about his lack of creativity regarding certain aspects of his hell. I admire his ability not to create something such as this "inferno" (due to the fact that put in a foul mood with nothing to do, I could create something as completely random), but his ability to believe in such a ridiculous system. It really highlights when this was written, when you actually examine the work as a whole.
ReplyDeleteI am a little late in posting on this blog, but I have to say that I was completly drawn into Dante's Inferno just by reading your comments. I have been reading the Cantos on my own and have been a little confused, but things are starting to clear up. I took the test and made it to Pergatory. However, a test on the internet isn't very reliable. How are the levels of hell decided in actuality, given that they exist? Are there clear lines drawn or is each case individually looked at, seeing as most cases aren't just "black and white"? This topic is very interesting. i can't wait to get to class and hear some more views.