Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Reflections on discussion with Parisi and Bishop

Thought I would make it easier for us to discuss without having to scroll down previous posts/comments. I'm eager for us to continue the dialogue on gender roles, social constructionism, and patriarchy. So . . . after our discussion on Friday, what questions do you still have? What thoughts are still lingering in your mind? Were your thoughts about gender reinforced or altered? Was your perspective broadened in any way?
And for those sitting next to Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Parisi during the discussion--what was that like? I only ask because I was keeping track of those asking questions, and I noticed that some of you who are often outspoken were quiet (was there a blending of the Marxist and Gender lenses?)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Can I have a pair of Gender lenses?

Let's see what we can discover about gender roles--how they are shaped, how they influence what we say and do, how they can determine how we interact and who we become.

Has anyone stopped to count the number of ads in your favorite magazine or sitcom?
What type of ads/commericals are present? How do they portray each gender?
Have you stopped to watch a sitcom through the gender lens?
Is there any truth to what Tyson says about "good girls" and "bad girls" in the shows we watch? How is our society patriarchal?
What are some ways that women and men buy into the patriarchy? What are some ways that they rebel?
How is our language patriarchal?

And what about our schools and classrooms. I thought I'd share a study by the University of New Hampshire to get us started. And I also found sites exploring gender and math and gender roles in the workplace.

How deeply embedded are "traditional" gender roles?